Prepare your property now for the Fire Danger Period

Published on 20 September 2023

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Pyrenees Shire Council is reminding residents to prepare their properties for summer as the weather quickly starts to warm up.

The Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC) released its seasonal bushfire outlook for spring this year, identifying an increased risk of bushfire for large areas of eastern and central Australia, including Victoria.

“With the weather so warm, there is a risk of the bushfire season starting early. We’re also seeing lots of grass growth with the warm weather and light rains,” said Pyrenees Shire Council Mayor Cr Ron Eason.

With the Bureau of Meteorology formally declaring Australia to now be in an El Nino event, a warmer spring and summer could mean a more dangerous bushfire season.

“El Nino coupled with the warmer than average winter we’ve had means we need to be preparing our properties a little sooner and keeping on top of that preparation.

“Remember to also review your fire survival plan and make sure your family knows how to follow this plan in case of fire,” Cr Eason said.

Making sure your property is prepared before the Fire Danger Period is declared is important. You can make sure your property is ready for summer by

  • keeping grass 10cm or shorter in length,
  • Cleaning your gutters regularly,
  • removing flammable items from decks and verandas,
  • removing dry leaves, twigs and other fire hazards,
  • pruning shrubs and trees, and
  • moving woodpiles away from your house.

Even if you don’t live in the bush, your family and your home is still at risk of fire. Property owners can take advantage of free green waste disposal at all Council transfer stations when cleaning up.

“We have free green waste disposal for residents and ratepayers, making it easier to keep your property well maintained and fire ready,” Cr Eason said.

Reducing the vegetation around your home will help keep you, your family, and the community safe. This your responsibility, and failure to remove a fire hazard on your property may result in Council issuing a fire hazard removal notices and fine.

“We take fire prevention seriously with our compliance team issuing over 600 fire prevention notices across the Shire last year. About 40 properties did not comply with the notice and so our team issued them with hefty fines.

“Of these, 15 matters were prosecuted in the Magistrates’ Court and the court increased some of these fines significantly. We know how important it is to look our own safety and that of the Shire and we’d rather not have to remind you by issuing a fine or going to court,” said Cr Eason.

Check out for more information and resources to help you get fire ready.

To find out when the Fire Danger Period is for the Pyrenees region, keep checking the CFA’s website: