Rates FAQs

How are my rates calculated?

View the 2024/25 rates information brochure(PDF, 895KB)

If you still have questions about the calculation method for your property, please make contact with us.

When are my rates due?

Rates can be paid annually by a lump sum or in instalments.

If paying in full, payment must be received by 15 February each year. Ratepayers wishing to pay by instalments need to have the first instalment paid by 30 September each year, otherwise the payment must be made in full by 15 February each year.

Instalment due dates are:

First instalment due 30 September
Second instalment due 30 November
Third instalment due 28 February
Fourth instalment due 31 May

Unpaid rates will incur interest at 10.0%.

How does Council determine my valuation?

Property valuations are determined by independent professional valuers who are appointed by the Valuer General Victoria. The value is determined by actual sales of similar properties in your area.

If the property market sees properties for selling for high or low prices, those sales will be reflected in the next valuation cycle of your home.

Do I have to accept this valuation?

No, if you feel the valuation is inaccurate or unreasonable you can make an objection to the valuation.

It is a simple process, however has strict timelines attached by law. Ratepayers can object to their valuation within two months of receiving their annual rates notice. Find our more about objecting to your rate notice.

What are my rates paying for?

Rates help fund infrastructure and services such as the maintenance and renewal of local roads, street lighting, drainage and footpaths, as well as maternal and child health, and environmental health.

Council pays for the maintenance and upkeep of playgrounds and other community infrastructure, as well as economic development and tourism services within the Shire.

So, if valuations are increasing does that mean Council is making more money?

The Victorian Government's Fair Go Rates system means councils are not allowed to increase their overall rate revenue by more than the annual CPI cap. The cap is applied to the overall rate revenue collected by each Council, not individual properties.

Does everyone pay the same rate in the dollar?

We have a rating differential scheme that applies different rates to each property based on what it is being used for.

The Revenue and Rating Plan sets out the rules for each differential(PDF, 777KB) to ensure it is transparent and equitable for each property owner.

Every year Council determines how much revenue is required to be raised by rates, and divides this across the total values of all rateable properties to establish a general rate. The differentials are a percentage of this general rate.

The rate in the dollar is then applied against each individual property value to calculate how much each property owner pays.

Rating categories for the 2024/25 year are:

Type of rate

Cents in $ on CIV

General rate for rateable residential properties


General rate for rateable commercial properties


General rate for rateable industrial properties


General rate for rateable vacant non-farm land properties less than two hectares


General rate for rateable non-farm vacant land properties between two hectares and forty hectares


General rate for rateable vacant non-farm land properties greater than forty hectares


General rate for undevelopable land


General rate for rateable farm properties


Recreational properties 0.230995


How are my rates calculated?

Ms Smith owns a house that was valued at $250,000.
For a general residential property the rate is 0.230995 cents in the dollar.
Ms Smith would pay $530.77 in general rates ($250,000 x 0.00230995 = $577.49).

If you still have questions about the calculation method for your property, please make contact with us.

What are these other charges on my rates notice?

Council also charges for waste services. These services include having your waste collected from your property, the use of transfer stations around the Shire, and environmental levies that Council must to contribute to.

After Black Saturday in 2009, the Royal Commission looked to change how the fire authorities were funded. In 2013/14 councils were requested to collect the Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL). This levy ensures all property owners are contributing to the fire authorities, not just those who have household insurance. This charge is set by the Victorian Government and is not subject to the rate cap. Council collects this money and passes it to the State Revenue Office quarterly.

I am experiencing some troubles in paying – can we work something out?

Of course we can – our team is here to assist you. Give them a call and we can come to an agreement that works for everyone. All information is kept confidential.

Can I have a say on the future of how rates are distributed?

Of course, we would love to hear from you! Council reviews its Budget(PDF, 1MB) and Revenue and Rating Plan(PDF, 777KB) before to June 30 each year and public consultation is part of the process! We welcome all feedback about the Budget and related documents, and take that feedback on board where we can.

Do I pay a Municipal Charge?

We do not currently charge a Municipal Charge.