Do I need a Building Permit?

Common Projects Requiring a Building Permit

This list is does not cover all projects that require a building permit. You should contact the Shire's Building Department if you are planning any building projects to check whether the works will require a permit.  


  • New homes, bungalows, outbuildings or studios
  • Re-locatable buildings
  • Commercial buildings
  • Additions to an existing dwelling or other building
  • Structural alterations to an existing dwelling or other building, including adding or removing structural or load bearing parts of a building.  Also covers installation of 'bay' or 'corner' type windows where structural alterations are required.
  • Re-blocking or re-stumping
  • Alterations to a commercial building including layout changes
  • Alterations to, or introduction of, an Essential Safety Measure including fire hose reels, fire hydrants, exit doors,fire extinguishers, exit signs, emergency lights, sprinklers.
  • Verandahs attached to any building new or existing.
  • Construction of a Pergola (unroofed structure) associated with any other building
  • New pergolas with a floor area greater than 20m²
  • Impermeable shade sails
  • Permeable shade sails with a floor area greater than 20m²


  • Converting a garage or shed into a habitable room

Swimming pools and spas

  • New swimming pools or spas capable of a water depth greater than 30cm
  • Pool or spa safety barriers


  • On corner blocks, front and side timber fences greater than 1.5m in height, within 3m of the front or side street boundary.
  • On corner blocks, front and side masonry/brick fences greater than 1.2m in height, within 3m of the front or side street boundary.
  • On corner blocks, any fence greater than 1m in height within 9m of the street corner point, measured in both directions along the boundary line of the block.
  • Any side fence, between properties that is greater than 2m in height.
  • Front and side timber fences greater than 1.5m in height, within 3m of the front boundary.
  • Front and side masonry/brick fences greater than 1.2m in height, within 3m of the front boundary.

Decks and landings

  • All decks and landings

Sheds, garages and carports

  • All garages, sheds and carports more than 10m2 in area, more than 3m high or constructed of masonry.

Retaining walls

  • A retaining wall within 1m of a boundary or another building
  • A retaining wall greater than 1m in height

Masts and Antennas

  • Greater than 3m above the building to which it’s attached
  • Greater than 8m above the ground (if not attached to a building).


  • Demolition/removal of any building with masonry features
  • Demolition of a building with a floor area greater than 40m²


  • Replacing corrugated iron roofing with concrete or terracotta roofing tiles.


Do I also need a Planning Permit?

Building permits and Planning permits are different and require separate approvals.  Some projects will require both Planning and Building whilst others may only require a Building Permit.  You should find out if a Planning permit is required prior to applying for your Building Permit.  A Planning Permit must be issued before a Building Permit can be obtained.  Find out whether you need a Planning Permit here.

Do I need a Septic Tank permit?

If you live in an area that is not connected to mains sewerage then you must obtain a Septic Tank permit if you are planning to build anything that will have any toilet, kitchen or bathroom fixtures.  A Septic Tank permit can be issued after a Planning Permit but before a Building Permit issued.  Find out more information about obtaining a Septic tank permit here.