Open air burning
This page talks about open air burning in the Pyrenees when we are not in the Fire Danger Period.
The Fire Danger Period in Pyrenees is between November and April/May each summer/autumn.
The 2022/23 Fire Danger Periodends on April 17, 2023.
Check our Facebook page or check the CFA website for information about declared Fire Danger Periods.
Please make sure you are aware of the what permits are needed under the Pyrenees Shire General Local Law 2019 before burning off. When considering an application for a permit for open air burning, Council must look at the impacts on amenity and adjoining land uses.
For more information about open air burning, you can contact us on 1300 797 363 or during normal business hours.
Remember if you have a permit to burn off on your property, you must register your burn off by calling 1800 668 511 (VicFire).
You can read the local law here, or read the below excerpt that covers open air burning.
Pyrenees Shire General Local Law 2019
(1) A person must not, without a permit, burn or cause or allow to burn any material in the open air.
(2) Subclause (1) does not apply to:
(a) land in the Rural Living, Rural Conservation and Farming Zones where the location of the fire is not less than 100 metres from land not in the same ownership unless: i. the material being burnt is a windrow/heap larger than 3m2 or crop stubble;
(b) barbeque, pizza oven or other properly constructed appliance while it is being used for cooking food;
(c) fire in a chimenea, fire pit or other similar and properly constructed appliance while being used for heating; 15
(3) Nothing in subclause (1) and (2) permits a person to light a fire or allow a fire to continue to burn during a Fire Danger Period unless otherwise permitted by the Country Fire Authority.
(4) A person responsible for burning or lighting a fire on any land in the open air must ensure that:
(a) it does not offend or cause a nuisance to another person in the vicinity or beyond the property boundary; and
(b) Country Fire Authority have been notified.
(5) A person who has lit or allowed a fire to remain alight contrary to the provisions in this section or any condition contained in a permit must extinguish the fire immediately on being directed to do so by:
(a) an Authorised Officer; or
(b) a member of Victoria Police or the Country Fire Authority.
In determining whether to issue a permit, Council will require a minimum 100m setback from any neighbouring properties and will consider the volume of the material being burnt.
Infringement Notice: 3 penalty units Court penalty: 15 penalty units