Small upgrades make a huge difference at Waubra Rec Reserve
Published on 03 June 2024
Five football netball clubs, visiting players and clubroom users now have somewhere fresh to clean up after games with a makeover of Waubra Recreation Reserve’s changerooms.
The reserve’s facilities haven’t had an upgrade since 2011 when the building underwent a major redevelopment.
Pyrenees Shire Council Mayor Cr Robert Vance said the upgrades provided a fresher look, with the installation of new toilets, tiling and flooring, as well as more water-efficient shower mixers and tapware.
Cr Vance said structural improvements including drainage and plumbing upgrades also provide better functionality.
“Our local communities are passionate about their sport and while these kinds of upgrades might seem small, they actually make a huge difference to the people who use the facilities,” Cr Vance said.
“This work has made the changerooms more comfortable for everyone who use them or people using the recreation reserve for non-sporting events.”
"The renovation looks fantastic. We have some older buildings in our Shire that service many sporting clubs and it's important that Council continues to invest to keep them in good condition for the years to come."