Media Statement - Additional Consultation Report on VNI West

Published on 23 February 2023

The following is a statement from Pyrenees Shire Council CEO Jim Nolan:

Council welcomes detail around the options for the location of a transmission line and terminal station to connect the VNI West to the Western Renewables Link provided in today’s Project Update from AEMO.

The report identifies Bulgana as the preferred connection between the Western Renewables Link and VNI West.

Council notes that this option includes a proposed increase in capacity for the western section of the WRL to 500kVa, which will impact on landowners and communities in the Pyrenees along that part of the route.

Council looks forward to examining the detail contained in the report and providing feedback to AEMO on this proposal in due course.

Council also encourages members of the community to read the report, attend drop-in sessions and provide submissions as part of the ongoing RIT-T consultation process.

While Council does not have any direct role in the planning or building of the project, we will continue to disseminate new information as it comes to hand and advocate on behalf of the community at every opportunity. 

Note: The VNI West Project Update 6 report is available for download at the AEMO website (

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